AISR International Seminar​

AISR International Seminar​

AISR International Seminar

Beijing, AISR (China-France) Association for Artificial Intelligence and Robotics successfully held a significant international symposium in Beijing recently, attracting top experts and scholars from all over the world to participate in the discussion. The theme of the symposium is “Artificial Intelligence and Robotics: Innovation, Cooperation and Development”, which aims to promote cooperation and exchanges between China and France in the field of artificial intelligence and robotics.
At the seminar, AISR invited more than 30 top experts from China, France and other countries to give speeches and share the latest research results and technology applications. The experts at the meeting had an in-depth discussion on the application of artificial intelligence and robots in medical, industrial, agricultural, smart city and other fields, and launched a heated debate on related technical, ethical and legal issues.

The symposium also featured an innovative project presentation session, with companies and research institutions from all over the world showcasing their latest achievements in the field of artificial intelligence and robotics. Participants experienced a range of innovative products and applications, including smart medical robots, driverless transportation systems, and smart agricultural solutions. These demonstrations not only show the leading position of China and France in the field of artificial intelligence and robotics, but also provide more possibilities for global cooperation and innovation.

At the closing ceremony, the president of AISR Association delivered an enthusiastic speech, saying that the seminar is an important milestone in the cooperation between China and France in the field of artificial intelligence and robotics, and an important platform for strengthening global cooperation and exchanges. He stressed the potential and advantages of China and France in the field of artificial intelligence and robotics, and called on experts, scholars and entrepreneurs from all countries to strengthen cooperation, jointly promote the development of artificial intelligence and robotics technology, and make greater contributions to the progress and well-being of human society.

AISR (China-France) Association for Artificial Intelligence and Robotics was established in 2019 as an important cooperation institution between China and France in the field of artificial intelligence and robotics. The association is committed to promoting scientific and technological exchanges and cooperation between China and France, promoting the research and application of artificial intelligence and robotics, and contributing to the leading position of the two countries in the global field of artificial intelligence and robotics. The success of the symposium marks AISR’s solid step in promoting international cooperation and innovation, injecting new vitality into the development of the global artificial intelligence and robotics industry.